Looking for ways to burn belly fat fast? Here are five ab exercises for women that will supercharge any diet or practice schedule to burn belly fat fast to delineate finely toned abs.
1. Roll out a power wheel.
You've probably seen a power wheel. It is a small wheel with handles on whether side. You get down on your hands and knees and put the power wheel in front of you. You push the wheel as far as you can stretch, and then roll it back to your beginning position.
There is a trick to getting even flatter abs that your instructor might not tell you. Hold your breath for a second or so when you stretch. This puts pressure on your abs and also supports your back, helping you tone abs faster while avoiding lower back injury.
2. Try an electronic muscle stimulator.
Devices like the Ab Energizer and Fast Abs are worn as a belt colse to the waist. The belts send weak electrical currents that cause muscles to contract, but only about 20% of their maximum capacity. It's a way to work ab muscles to tone them up and burn belly fat-but does it honestly work?
Scientists have not been able to find a critical advantage of electronic muscle stimulators over customary abs exercises. Users of these devices, however, can commonly see the difference. And what's more, the population they know commonly tell them they look thinner, too.
3. Use a Swiss ball.
Some population like to sit on a Swiss ball. It's a great way to profess equilibrium and coordination, but it won't take off any fat, from your legs, or your abs, or your tush.
The way to use a Swiss ball to burn belly fat fast is to use it for stretching. Get down on your hands and knees and place the Swiss ball in front of you. Roll it in front of you as far as you can go, and then roll it back. As with the power wheel, you will get a best workout if you hold your breath when you are at your maximum stretch.
4. Do sit ups, but do them the right way.
A sit up is supposed to tighten your abs, not throw your back out. Do sit ups with your knees lifted off the floor to put your legs in a low V shape. If you can't reach your toes, don't strain. Do no more than 15 sit ups at a time, and then don't do them again for at least 48 hours, to give your muscles a opportunity to firm up. Doing too many sit ups too often doesn't give you stronger abs. It makes them weaker.
5. Do any aerobic practice (power walking, biking, elliptical trainer), but contain brief bursts of intense activity.
If you want to get the fat-burning benefits of a hard workout without working out hard, think doing interval training. This recipe of practice has you do an aerobic action as hard and fast as you can for 15 seconds, and then at a comfortable pace for 45 seconds. Then do another 15-second "sprint," followed by 45 seconds of leisurely activity. End the practice with a 5-minute cool down, not interrupted by any bursts of faster-paced activity.
What interval training does for you is to burn more fat from fat. If you practice for 20 minutes or more, you can get the calorie-burning benefits of your sprints for the entire duration of your routine. You get the weight loss benefits of working out hard with none of the "burn" of oxygen-deprived muscles.
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